Intentional Disciplism
Not a presentation but a conversation. Not a program but a way of life.
You may be wondering what is Intentional Disciplism? It is a movement to equip Christians to be deliberate in fulfilling the mandate of the Great Commission, to make disciples of the nations (Matt. 28:19-20). Our ministry does not just focus on evangelism alone or just making converts for Jesus Christ, but our focus is on discipling and growing individuals to spiritual maturity. Our churches are full of people who made a decision for Christ, however many are still on milk because we have failed to nurture them beyond the elementary stage of faith (1 Cor. 3:1-3) At RJ Alexander Ministries and Intentional Disciplism we teach that evangelism is not a separate component from discipleship but evangelism is done within the context of the discipleship process. We (go) evangelize to share the good news so that the spiritually dead can hear and receive the gospel of Jesus Christ. We disciple (baptize and teach) the spiritual babes once they have received the gospel to become spiritually mature disciple makers.
Our coaching sessions and training workshops are power-packed, interactive and leave the attendees with a passion to implement the strategies of Intentional Disciplism.
For Booking
Office: (240) 695-6135
"Impactful!" "Minister Reggie is laboring to shift the paradigm of how Christian discipleship is approached, and emphasizing the teaching of Jesus' model necessary to make disciples that become effective disciple makers."
- C. Williams
Our Core Elements for Disciple Making
Matthew 28:19-20- Make Disciples
Jesus commanded the disciples to make disciples, by using 3 core elements; go, baptize and teach. We use these as our method of disciple making. We make disciples by going. You must become intentional about being lifestyle witnesses for Christ. Go means to take the gospel to the world so some may accept Christ, while some need to grow in Christ.
Jesus' method of disciple making was in a relational environment. Discipleship is done when we do life together, not just attending a Sunday service or a weekly class. The disciples' relationship creates a bond , accountability, instruction and correction. Baptism is our identification with God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit.
Jesus instructed the disciples to teach the nations to obey all that He commanded. He wanted His missional message to be duplicated in other disciples. Jesus wanted to be clear that His kingdom was ready to be established here on earth. He assured the disciples that they could fulfill the mission because "all authority" had been given to Him and that He would be with them.
“Since making disciples is the main task of the church, every church should be able to answer two questions: What is our plan for making disciples of Jesus? Is our plan working?”